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Discover our international special issue

Good news! Our international special 2021-2022 is out. In this issue, you can read our latest product and market news, as well as expert opinions on cosmetology, research and regulations.

And don't forget our special report on the entire industry. perfumery-cosmetics of a country. After South Korea, Japan, the United States and Finland in our previous editions, it's now the turn of France. Switzerland Switzerland, a country that immediately evokes quality...

Our special issue, all in Englishis already available in download on our website. Subscribers will shortly receive it in their mailboxes. And visitors to international trade fairs will be able to pick it up at the entrances...

Enjoy your reading!

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site-industries-cosmetiques A concentrated individual in a lab coat examining a small jar containing a pink substance, a pioneering cosmetic innovation using natural ingredients in Brittany.

Cosmetics innovation comes naturally in Bretagne

In north-west France, Bretagne has always been a seawardlooking region with its 2,730km coastline - the longest in the country.

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