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matrixylinside.com : a brand new website dedicated to Matrixyl

Who is it for? For consumers and professionals alike, who want to know more about Matrixyl ingredients and their incredible effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles.

What? The truth, nothing but the truth: scientific explanations, testimonials, before/after photos... And a product selector to find the right Matrixyl according to several criteria: wrinkle types, specific tests, regulations, cellular target, formulation attributes.

Why do we do this? To help consumers obtain all the information they need to make the right choices when it comes to anti-wrinkle products.

When? Now!

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site-industries-cosmetiques A concentrated individual in a lab coat examining a small jar containing a pink substance, a pioneering cosmetic innovation using natural ingredients in Brittany.

Cosmetics innovation comes naturally in Bretagne

In north-west France, Bretagne has always been a seawardlooking region with its 2,730km coastline - the longest in the country.

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