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The Value of Environmental Monitoring

There have been recent and very public recalls of cosmetic products contaminated with microorganisms. Given the environmental and financial impact of a microbial contamination event, cosmetic and personal care manufacturers should develop and be committed to a contamination control strategy.

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Where do you start? Environmental monitoring (EM) programs are all about evaluating microbial risk in your facilities. This consists of designing and implementing controls around your cleaning, batching process, and product filling to reduce microbial contamination at your manufacturing sites. EM programs help you establish a state of control of your manufacturing sites and support quicker response and remediation when there is a contamination event.

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How Can Charles River Laboratories Help You?Our unique combination of Celsis® rapid microbial detection and Accugenix® microbial identification keeps your manufacturing operations running efficiently and smoothly, lowers your cost to manufacture, and protects your reputation. 

Explore our portfolio of integrated services at www.criver.com/cosmetics

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site-industries-cosmetiques Une femme aux longs cheveux bruns et aux yeux verts pose pensivement sur un arrière-plan coloré de brouillons automobiles. Elle touche son visage d'une main, révélant ses lèvres roses et sa peau claire, tandis que l'éclairage accentue ses traits.


Brightens dark circles and reduces puffiness.
site-industries-cosmetiques Une personne se tient debout sur un fond neutre, portant un masque facial et tenant une petite fleur blanche près de sa poitrine, comme si elle était capturée dans un croquis automobile de Brouillon. À droite, les logos de la notation de durabilité Platinum EcoVadis et de la société certifiée B Corporation soulignent la scène.

Technature : WoW Impact, label B-Corp et EcoVadis Platinum pour un futur durable

Technature affirme son engagement RSE avec "WoW Impact", la certification B-Corp et la médaille EcoVadis Platinum, incarnant un futur responsable.

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