In response to the shortage of raw materials, Cosmetic Valley is making the IMPACT+ platform available to the industry, free of charge and on an exceptional basis, for the duration of the situation in Ukraine.
On the initiative of Cosmetic Valleythe IMPACT+ platform provides a solution for manufacturers faced with the same problems ofsupplyof storageof waste and are keen to source sustainably by limiting ecological and economic impacts.
IMPACT+ allows you to work collectively on theoptimizing material flows and waste reduction through a dedicated tool.
The objectives are manifold:
- Optimizing companies' stock rotation ;
- Offering an alternative to minimum orders and bulk purchasing
- Reduce the storage value and remedy the destruction of unused cosmetic raw materials
- Obtain supplies quickly in the event of stock shortages or long lead times
It will enable manufacturers to provide information on the availability of their unused stocks of raw materials and packaging items in order to offer them to their colleagues, and conversely to consult existing stocks to obtain supplies in small quantities.