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Congress COMET (Measurement & Testing) – 5-6 July 2022: call for abstracts

Submit your abstract and become speaker for the 4th edition of the CO.ME.T congress co-organized by the COSMETIC VALLEY competitiveness cluster and CY Cergy-Paris University

image 4- Contenu sponsorisé - Info marché

The 4th edition of the CO.ME.T congress co-organized by the COSMETIC VALLEY competitiveness cluster and CY Cergy-Paris University is an exceptional tools for scientific communication and training.
The development of new high-performance test tools becomes an innovation challenge in cosmetic and perfumery industry in order to increase and certify the quality and performance of tomorrow’s cosmetic products.
Scientific communications, plenary conferences and experimental demonstrations will explore new solutions, sources of innovation and development for players in the two sectors: measurement & cosmetics.

Submit your work before February 15th , and be part of the oral presentations that will be selected from the call for abstracts.

For the dissemination of the presented studies and results, the COMET 2022 is labeled by IEEE in order to be able to publish the submitted articles in a special issue after reviewing.


image- Contenu sponsorisé - Info marché

From raw materials to finished products

What are the new assessment and evaluation methods able to analyze and monitor cosmetic materials, from the raw materials to the finished product?

#delivery #bioavailability #quality #integrity #encapsulation #naturality #ecodesign #ecotoxicity #environnemental impact  #proof of efficacy #polymers

image 1- Contenu sponsorisé - Info marché

Skin-product-environment interactions 

How new efficacy and safety in-vitro, in vivo and ex-vivo skin models enable detection and characterization of particles in tissues ?

#microbiota #pollution #absorption  #communication #environmentalmonitoring #skin barrier fonction  #holistic approach #exposome #free radicals #UV #Experimental #analytical #non invasive tools

image 2- Contenu sponsorisé - Info marché

Instrumentation and sensory evaluation

From physical measurement to cognitive science, how to optimize the product at early stages, before panel tests?

#perception #product-skin interactions #sensoryanalysis, #emotion #appearance #texture #rheology #sensory metrology #neurosciences #communication brain skin

image 3- Contenu sponsorisé - Info marché

Smart and connected beauty tools for customization

For diagnostic purposes, what are the latest AI and smart tools advances that can be adapted and developed for the cosmetics science ?

#embedded sensors #digital #artificial intelligence #biometrics #virtualreality #augmentedreality #virtualdiagnosis #bigdata #IOT #Modeling  #Simulation #Predictive analytics #electronic tools #at home follow-up/diagnosis/measures

Ressources externes

Contenu sponsorisé

site-industries-cosmetiques Une femme aux longs cheveux bruns et aux yeux verts pose pensivement sur un arrière-plan coloré de brouillons automobiles. Elle touche son visage d'une main, révélant ses lèvres roses et sa peau claire, tandis que l'éclairage accentue ses traits.


Brightens dark circles and reduces puffiness.
site-industries-cosmetiques Une personne se tient debout sur un fond neutre, portant un masque facial et tenant une petite fleur blanche près de sa poitrine, comme si elle était capturée dans un croquis automobile de Brouillon. À droite, les logos de la notation de durabilité Platinum EcoVadis et de la société certifiée B Corporation soulignent la scène.

Technature : WoW Impact, label B-Corp et EcoVadis Platinum pour un futur durable

Technature affirme son engagement RSE avec "WoW Impact", la certification B-Corp et la médaille EcoVadis Platinum, incarnant un futur responsable.

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