Chaired - for the first time - by Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, the "Comité de filière cosmétiques" met face-to-face at Bercy on November 28, for its third working session since its creation in 2021, following the "États Généraux de la Cosmétique", organized by the Cosmetic Valley competitiveness cluster and the FEBEA, attended by some twenty industry representatives, this meeting provided an opportunity to discuss with the Minister the challenges faced by the various links in the value chain - suppliers, manufacturers, distributors -, and to submit to him concrete projects for cooperation between companies, trade associations and public authorities.
At the end of the meeting, Cosmetic Valley, FEBEA and the Médiateur des Entreprises signed the "Responsible Purchasing Charter ", the first outcome of the process launched in early 2021 with the adoption, by the sector's largest principals, of the "Declaration of solidarity by cosmetics companies with the glass sector". It formalizes ten commitments between principals and suppliers.