After postponements due to the pandemic, Forum Labo Lyon, a CIFL event organized by RX France, opened its doors on September 19 and 20 with the support of Only Lyon. Despite the unusual date and the fact that related events were held in parallel, visitors remained loyal to the Lyon event.
2,287 qualified visitors came to the show to discover market trends and talk with the 220 exhibitors who presented their services and products as well as their innovations.
Reflecting the dynamism of the region's laboratory market, 62% of the visitors came from the Rhône Alpes / PACA region, but also 14% from the Ile de France and 8% from abroad (in order of participation the Maghreb, Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy).
With an attendance from industry and research, this edition has once again managed to federate the private sector (81%) and the public sector (19%) with the main segments of activity, Pharma-Biotech 27%, Chemical 17%, Academic 14%, Diagnostic/Clinical/Hospital 8%, and finally Agro- Agri 7%.
Forum LABO LYON, a multidisciplinary and qualifying scientific and technical program
Also, the inaugural session on ITMs - Innovative Therapy Drugs presented by Alcimed, the 8 scientific conferences led by scientific societies and associations (Association Bernard Grégory, CFM, SFSTP, SFM, Club de CCM, SCF) as well as the ELRIGfr congress, mobilized nearly 350 participants.
Vast societal themes such as new biotherapies, Sustainable Chemistry or the contribution of the Covid crisis to Science were at the heart of the exchanges. Another key topic was digitalization in all its forms, both in terms of laboratory measurement management and in terms of automation and databases. The technical aspects were not left out, with the new methods of HTPLC or phagotherapy which are gradually gaining ground in the treatment of patients.
Concerning the regulation, in constant evolution, it is the nitrosamines which focused the interest of the researchers of the pharmaceutical laboratories.
Finally, employment remains at the heart of the research world's concerns, and in particular the future of PhDs, as the Bernard Grégory Association mentioned during a round table with PhDs and recruiters.
A business climate driven by Lab'Meetings
This free, tailor-made service offered visitors the opportunity to plan their meetings with exhibitors in advance of the show. 642 qualified meetings were organized, generating numerous contacts and partnerships.
This edition has once again demonstrated that face-to-face meetings are the essence of trade shows, based on conviviality, content sharing, innovation and business.
The Paris edition is already in the starting blocks with 80% of exhibition space already reserved and a repositioning to historical dates. Forum Labo Paris will be held from March 28 to 30, 2023, at Paris expo Porte de Versailles.