As a driver of growth and economic development, innovation is one of the values that underpin the strength and competitiveness of the French cosmetics industry, internationally recognized for the excellence of its scientific research and the performance of its products.
It is also the key to the future in the ultra-competitive global perfume and cosmetics market, where France must maintain its leadership.
The organization of a "Tour de France" of cosmetics research to promote synergies between the public and private worlds of research at the heart of the regions is one of the 30 key measures selected in October 2021 by the États Généraux de la parfumerie-cosmétique as part of the industry's recovery plan.
This project has taken shape thanks to Cosmetic Valley's long-standing partnership with the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), aimed at gaining recognition for cosmetic sciences, setting up strategic tools and strengthening the industry's capacity for innovation. Thanks to this partnership, cosmetics is now one of the world's leading scientific fields.
In 2015, the CNRS created the Cosm'actifs research consortium, bringing together more than 50 laboratories to focus on four areas: sourcing (bioactives/ingredients), formulation and vectorization, biological targets and models, and safety and conservation.
In line with this approach, CNRS and Cosmetic Valley have decided to join forces to roll out a nationwide initiative to raise awareness of the skills of research laboratories in France working on industry-related themes, whether in chemistry, biology, microbiology, physics, materials, mathematics, human sciences, etc. The aim is to develop public/private collaborations through the launch of the "Cosmetic'Recherche Tour - Les rendez-vous Recherche & Industrie": a tour of France to meet public research laboratories in every region of France with skills that could lead to collaborations with companies in the perfume and cosmetics industry: plant extraction, formulation, vectorization, skin biology, imaging, measurement technologies, new materials, artificial intelligence, digital technology, biotechnology, etc.
The first stage, in Poitiers, officially launched this Tour de France on September 2, 2021. Grenoble will be the next stop on March 18, 2022, before Clermont-Ferrand on May 17.
In Grenoble, the event will be held at Grenoble Alpes University. Six laboratories will be in the spotlight. There will also be a round-table discussion on connected beauty.