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Lessonia acquires a new packaging machine dedicated to powder cosmetics

Specialized in the contract manufacturing of cosmetic ingredients and finished products since 2002, Lessonia has become an expert and internationally recognized in its field of activity. 

This know-how and experience acquired over almost 20 years, has enabled the company to progressively expand its equipment to meet the growing needs of the cosmetic industry (brands and laboratories): whether for the manufacture of ingredients (exfoliants, plant powders and seaweed powders) or for the manufacture of cosmetic products (peel-off masks, impregnated masks, serums, lotions, or exfoliating cleansing powders for the face or body).

Recently, and in view of the growing demand for solid cosmetic products packaged in sophisticated packaging, Lessonia has acquired a new packaging machine dedicated to powder cosmetics.

Claire Lemarchand, project manager at Lessonia, explains that "Cosmetic manufacturers are mainly equipped to package liquids. However, there is a real need for packaging around cosmetic products in powder form. This is why the acquisition of this new machine allows us to offer our customers to pack this type of products such as powdered cleansers, shower gels to be reconstituted or dry shampoos, here in France, in our factory at Lessonia.

This new state-of-the-art equipment joins many other machines Lessonia has acquired since opening its second plant at its industrial site in Saint-Thonan in late 2018. 

These investments lead to a real growth of the company. Numerous recruitments are underway and others are to come in all sectors of activity of the company. 

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