Expanscience continues its pioneering path in CSR: after becoming the first B Corp pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetic laboratory in 2018, Expanscience becomes a company with a mission to "help individuals shape their well-being."
A family-owned French company committed to CSR for more than 15 years, Expanscience is taking a major step in its transition to a positive impact model. Expanscience thus joins more than 400 pioneering French companies that have opted for the status of company with a mission introduced by the Pact Law in 2019.
As a company with a mission, Expanscience is publicly committed to working for the common good through its raison d'être "to help people shape their well-being" and the following social and environmental objectives:
- To design products and services that are useful for well-being, eco-socially designed and increasingly inspired by nature and the living world.
- To help its employees to be actors of their own development and to build with them a more inclusive and supportive company.
- Contribute to the achievement of global climate objectives and to the protection and regeneration of biodiversity.
- Mobilize its communities and its ecosystem to build together a business model with a positive impact on society, individuals and their environment.
From B Corp to mission company, a voluntary commitment
Expanscience has always been convinced that corporate responsibility does not stop at its products: this is why the company signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2004 and put CSR at the heart of its strategy. Over the years, Expanscience has developed by reconciling economic performance with social, societal and environmental commitment. After being the 1st pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetic laboratory in the world to be certified B Corp in 2018, Expanscience affirms its awareness that being a better company for the world means doing more! Its new CSR strategy, impACT, addresses these issues. The company has set ambitious 10- and 20-year goals to become a positive and regenerative impact company. As a company with a mission, it is now structuring its actions around its raison d'être - to help individuals shape their well-being - in order to voluntarily contribute to the common good, within the framework of the Pact law.
The status of a company with a mission is accompanied by a specific governance mechanism: the Mission Committee. Composed of at least one employee and external persons, this mission committee will meet twice a year to evaluate the means implemented by Expanscience to contribute to its raison d'être and the actions implemented by the company to achieve its statutory objectives. This progress will be made public through a mission report which will be audited every two years by an Independent Third Party Organization (ITO).
"Reconciling economic, social and environmental performance has been at the heart of Expanscience's strategy for many years and of our commitment as a B Corp. By becoming a mission-driven company, Expanscience is taking another step to accelerate its transition to a positive impact model: we are structuring our business model around our raison d'être - helping people shape their well-being - and social and environmental objectives, we are publicly committing to work for the common good and to take into account our stakeholders' expectations."said Jean-Paul Berthomé, President of Laboratoires Expanscience.