Olvea Vegetable Oils, a subsidiary of the family-owned Olvea Group, based in Fécamp (Normandy) since 1929, produces sustainable and socially responsible vegetable oils and butters for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The company was awarded the Platinum Medal by EcoVadis, making it one of the top % companies in terms of commitment and performance in terms of social and environmental responsibility (SER).
Since its very first EcoVadis assessment in 2015, Olvea has steadily strengthened its commitment to social responsibility, improving its score and achieving the highest recognition, just a few weeks after its eco-refining unit, Olvea Green Technologies, was also awarded the Platinum medal.
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, Olvea contributes to 15 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After formalizing its CSR approach accompanied by ambitious objectives in 2018, Olvea is pursuing its commitment by publishing its annual report, Olveact Now, in which Olvea shares all its CSR actions, initiatives and commitments to accelerate its change and be a player in the environmental and social transition.