Designed in collaboration with L'Oréal, Hypnose Drama mascara was manufactured using the Texen group's Smart Mascara line. This project represents the group's production expertise, integrating the latest technologies in injection, decoration with hot stamping, varnishing and in-line assembly.
Innovation and technical challenges
The result of collaboration between engravers, molders from the Texen group and the L'Oréal team, this mascara meets Lancôme's specific requirements. A successful achievement despite the many technical constraints encountered, in particular the texturing (strokes) on the cap and bottle.
One of the main technical challenges was to ensure the quality and aesthetic appeal of the engraving. This challenge was made all the more demanding by the need to achieve identical engraving using two distinct processes: injection molding for the cap and injection-blow molding for the bottle.
Mastering the finishing steps
Varnishing also played a crucial role, as textures can trap air and dust, resulting in uneven varnish distribution. Rigorous work was carried out to validate the texturing with the varnish, ensuring repeatability of the process and a consistent visual effect. Hot stamping presented an additional challenge. Thanks to their expertise, the teams were able to fine-tune the settings to ensure that the hot stamping perfectly followed the curvature of the shape, guaranteeing uniform stamping.
The project also required precision in the indexing of the components, a challenge successfully met thanks to the expertise of the Texen Group teams combined with that of their mold-making partners. The engraving had to be accurately positioned in the mold and correctly indexed during assembly to guarantee perfect alignment.
Designed in monomaterial and recycled material, except for the brush and wiper, this luxury mascara is made entirely of PP (polypropylene), a significant step towards the mascara of tomorrow, according to its designers.
"This innovation proves that eco-design can also be applied to luxury products. This fully integrated line (from injection to varnishing) reduces transport, thus reducing the group's carbon footprint, while increasing the speed and agility at the service of l'Oréal", says Texen.