While the Internet continues to modify consumer buying behavior, the second edition of the French Federation of Selective Perfumery (FFPS) study conducted by IFOP on the customer journey reveals that far from being opposed, stores and the Internet confirm their complementarity in the journey and experience of beauty product buyers (perfumes, skincare, makeup).
Main findings
- Almost 2/3 of the customers make their purchases mainly in storeto see, test the products and get advice.
- The Internet is the ideal channel for comparing prices (60%) and taking advantage of promotions (47%).
- The click & collectis now part of the customer journey (31%) combining web purchase and in-store pickup.
- The young people (under 35 years old)prefer the store. 49% prefer it for advice.
Internet and stores strengthen their comparative advantage
If for 33 % of French people, the Internet is the preferred point of contact for information prior to purchase and in particular to compare prices (49 %), stores remain for 73 % of the people questioned, the preferred place of purchase, whether for make-up (71%), perfumes/watercolors (74%) or body and face care (74%).
Comparing the results of the previous study conducted in 2016, the assets assigned to these two channels are reinforced. 63% of French people prefer the store to see the products (58% in 2016), 43% to benefit from advice vs 34% in 2016. 60% prefer internet to compare prices vs 50% in 2016 and 47% to buy when they want (+8 points vs 2016).
" Our customers have become omnichannel! Far from being substitutes, the two channels are complementary. They are now complementary, says William G Koeberlé, President of the FFPS and the FEPD*.
Well-identified motivations
Among the 73% of customers who finalize their purchases in-store, in addition to the advice/services/animations that 43 % of those surveyed praise (compared to 34 % in 2016), it is the imagination that beauty products develop (see, smell, test...) that pushes them to take action at the points of sale for 44 % of them.
"Informed in real time thanks to the Internet, customers who walk through the door of stores are looking for a real display of products and a personalized experience "comments William G Koeberlé.
And among those who make purchases on the web, 60 % cite good prices (up 10 % from 2016) and 47 % (up 8 %) praise practicality. This is especially true on products like skincare, which are more suitable for re-purchases than fragrances or makeup.
Millennials, continue to store
Hyper-connected, the under 35 population, always looking for low prices and promotions on the web, still goes to the stores to make their beauty products purchases and to enjoy them.
The reasons mentioned: for 68 % of them the possibility to see the products (against 61 % for the over 35 years old) and 49 % to be able to test them (43 % for the other generations).